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Preserving the Proof: An Introductory How-To for Digital Evidence

  • Civil Procedure
  • Technology

Your client's friend captured the irate landlord saying incriminating things on a video on her phone, and texted it to your client. What do you do now? You understand the rules of evidence and ethical obligations, but how do you actually transfer and save the video for use as evidence? How do you preserve a copy of those text messages? Where do you save it? How do you make sure it can be presented in court or a hearing? What needs to be documented along the way?

This training from forensic evidence experts will focus on the "how" of digital evidence preservation. It will cover the steps involved to make sure the evidence is property preserved and help you understand what to do. The trainers will also help identify when you should not be doing this on your own and when a forensic expert is necessary.

The session will focus on civil legal aid scenarios and involve active Q & A and tips so bring your questions and leave with tangible tools to use.