An Analysis of Mental Health Claims

  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Central Time (US & Canada)
  • By: MSBA SSD Law Section
  • Presidents Room / Minnesota State Bar Association
  • Disability

Lunch will be provided at 11:45 a.m.  The CLE program will start at 12:00 noon.  

Enhance your social security practice and discover the secrets behind how Social Security reviews and determines mental health claims!

This is an opportunity you do not want to miss. Linda Berberoglu, J.D., Ph.D, ABPP, LP and Board Certified in Forensic Psychology will be our guest speaker. She works as an independent contractor for the Social Security Administration reviewing claims at the initial and reconsideration levels and for CDRs.

Dr. Berberoglu will discuss the clinical process behind the scenes and how evidence gets to her, the rules she is given regarding how she reviews claims and the information she thinks is relevant and irrelevant for mental disability claims. Ample question and answer time will be allotted.